Monday, July 19, 2010

Shari Sunshine, Syntropy bodywork?

This last week I had bodywork done by a therapist named Shari Sunshine. These are my thoughts. Her work is different in that she uses movement techniques from the Feldenkrais Method to deepen your sense on how you move, teaching you strategies to reduce effort and increase quality of coordination. She has also integrated other techniques like ortho-bionomy and polarity therapy and has named her type of massage Syntropy.

After my session with Shari I attended a class at Juut where, Shari taught mindful touch techniques to massage therapists, estheticians, and even a stylist. In her perspective you should nurture the part of the body that feels good first, with the belief that the rest of the body will connect with that feeling and heal itself. Her emphasis on less relaxation and more awareness is in alignment with the Ida P. Rolf method of Structural Integration and, as you may know, I love that.

For more information on Shari, you can go here.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Structural Integration video

This Rolfing demonstration was filmed at the Harvard Medical School during the Fascia Congress, which took place in Boston, MA. on October 4 & 5, 2007. Watch it here.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Full Body Massage VS Specific Work

What is better? A full body massage or, focusing on one specific area?

A commonly asked question during massage consultations. My answer? Depends on the desired outcome of the session.

If your primary goal is relaxation and mild areas of concern, my full body massage is what I recommend. The goal for this type of treatment is for you to unwind and release faint muscle tension. In this treatment I would use a Sweedish style of massage. It involves the use of kneading, stroking, friction, tapping, and vibration and may provide relief from stiffness, numbness, pain, and other health problems. The main purpose of Swedish massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles. It is different than specific work because by touching on each area equally there is little time to do specific work.

If you have an area of concern like your neck, back or shoulders for example, using a slow,specific Deep Tissue/Myo-Facial technique is necessary. The definition of deep tissue massage is specific massage manipulation of the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue manipulation therapy uses many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish massage, but the pressure is more intense. It is also a more focused type of massage. During this treatment I work to release chronic muscle tension or knots (also known as "adhesions.") Although it is more uncomfortable then Swedish massage, it shouldn’t hurt. The communication between a client and a deep tissue massage therapist is important. Giving feedback on pressure as well as patterned breathing is expected. It can also be relaxing as a secondary goal.

Both the full body massage and the specific work share the benefit of stress relief. If you have areas of concern or your not relaxed this can cause stress in the body and disrupt homeostasis, which is the bodies natural state of balance. High stress disrupts this balance, lowers the immune system and increases your risk to disease.

Want to benefit by being relaxed AND getting some work done? See an experienced Therapist and opt for a longer treatment time.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Structural Integration (aka Rolfing), what is it?

Structural Integration or Rolfing is a type of massage that has 10-12 consecutive sessions. The sessions are done between 1-4 weeks apart building upon each-other creating alignment in the body. The training is comparable to a Masters in Deep Tissue Massage.

Structural Integration techniques are used during my Deep Tissue massage sessions so that you can receive the added benefit of changing facial patterns, creating long lasting results. However, if your interested in this I highly recommend seeing a certified Rolfer. I see Mark Powell in Loring Park. He is fabulous, so, if you are up for it, give him a call or check out his blog here:
Mark Powell
Certified Rolfer
Minneapolis, MN

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Massage for Relaxation

I agree with Larry here~
Stress is one of the most prevalent pathologies in this wacky culture of ours, and it has only gone up with the recent economic turmoil. Tons of research show that massage helps improve the markers associated with stress – things like reduced cortisol and prolactin levels, reduced anxiety, increased sense of well-being, etc.

Even without this scientific evidence for the relaxation benefits of massage, most people instinctively understand the benefits of a nice relaxing massage to boost the circulation, calm the racing mind, and recuperate from the vagaries of work, traffic, and modern life in general.

So why do so many people get wound up about someone “wasting” their money on a relaxation massage? Many massage therapists, doctors, physical therapists, and others seem to think that relaxation massage is somehow inferior to clinical and orthopedic massage. I beg to differ. If you’ve got stress, then relaxation is just the ticket to bring you back to a nice healthy condition, and massage is a great way to promote relaxation.

Just to be 100% clear about this: There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a relaxation massage. I get them all the time myself, and I have many clients who come to me just to chill out and relax. Yes, I do a lot of medical and orthopedic work, and folks benefit a lot from that, but I think they benefit just as much from a good old relaxation massage.

I do my best to make even my therapeutic massage sessions as relaxing as possible. But I also really enjoy an old-fashioned relaxing Swedish/deep tissue massage – whether I’m the practitioner or the recipient -Larry Swanson CMT in Seattle

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Communicate with your Therapist

Great Article!
Let's Talk
Sharron Leonard
People get massages for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you're seeking stress relief from the weekly work commute or your wanting to cleanse your body of toxins. Or maybe massage is helping you recover from a sports injury or surgery. Whatever your reasons, it's absolutely important that you explicitly communicate to your therapist the reason you made the appointment. Otherwise you run the risk of not getting what you want.

In addition to explaining any wellness requirement, you also need to clarify your comfort needs during the session so that you feel completely at ease. Most practitioners work to create an appropriate environment with elements such as the temperature, music, aromatherapy, and table setting. But if anything makes you uncomfortable, feel free -- or rather, feel responsible -- to say as much. Your therapist is as interested as you are in making sure you get what you want from the massage, and building a communicative partnership is key. Remember, communication is a two-way street.

The BodySandy Anderson, owner of Relaxing Moments Massage in Reno, Nevada, asks at the beginning of each appointment, "What is the focus of our session today?" -- whether it's the client's first or 21st appointment with her. The therapist needs to know your wellness context. Even if she has your health history, circumstances -- and bodies -- are always changing. Perhaps you were traveling for the last two months spending significant time in cramped seats on airplanes. Maybe you're training for a marathon race, logging numerous miles each week. Or, a more likely scenario, you're stressed and feeling emotionally tapped.

Furthermore, it's important she or he knows about your massage preferences that just make your massage more pleasurable, such as getting extra work on your feet or ending the session with a face massage. Perhaps it's important to you to have the therapist "stay connected" by keeping her hands on you rather than, for example, going from your feet to your shoulders. By simply letting her or him know of any such information can vastly improve your session.

The Setting
"I have designed my treatment room to offer a basic comfort level based on my professional experience," Anderson says. "But I need the client to tell me if something is not to her liking. For example, I have provided a small fountain that I thought provided soothing background sounds, but two of my clients have requested that it be turned off because it made them feel as though they needed to run to the restroom."

One important amenity issue that should be discussed by the client and the therapist is massage-table comfort. "I use a heated table covered with a sheet and a blanket because as the active therapist I need the room temperature lower than what is comfortable for the client," Anderson says. "Then I ask the client what adjustments she might want me to make." Even if your therapist doesn't specifically ask about the temperature, background sounds, aromas or whatever other subtle amenities in the room, if there's something that's making your massage less than great, be sure to discuss it with your practitioner.

The Conversation
Conversation can sometimes be a point of contention. Because some clients like to talk during a session while others prefer silence, Anderson believes it's up to the client to dictate this aspect. She does not inhibit talking nor does she initiate conversation if the client is silent. If you want to tactfully make certain your therapist is not overly conversational, it is appropriate to say something like, "You will find that I am not very talkative. I just like to totally relax during this time." While your practitioner may communicate aspects of the massage, don't necessarily take this for her trying to make conversation.

Angie Parris-Raney, owner of Good Health Massage Therapy in Littleton, CO, believes it's very important for the therapist to explain her actions so the client is not surprised. "Whether I'm easing a first-time massage client's apprehension by explaining I will only be uncovering one part of the body at a time or I'm doing a rehabilitation treatment for injury, illness or surgery, I have learned from experience the client wants detailed information on what is going to happen," Parris-Raney says. "It is also helpful if she tells me how she feels about what I am doing. Is the stroke too deep or too light? Does she want me to use a slower or faster pace?" If you are unclear about an expectation or a procedure, even if it is something as simple as, "Where is the safest place to put my jewelry?" feel free to ask.

Massage client Andrea Scott explains her frustration with one massage session where she wishes she'd been more vocal. "I like deep tissue massage, and the practitioner was giving me a very light Swedish massage," she says. "I just didn't feel like I was getting anything out of it and found myself looking forward to the session just being over. For some reason, I thought it would be rude to say anything, but in retrospect, I'm sure she would've appreciated it." Instead, notes Scott, she left disappointed and the massage therapist never had a chance to address the issue.

Your goal as the client is to get what you are specifically seeking in each session. Your practitioner wants the experience to meet your expectations and will appreciate you verbalizing your wellness requirements and personal comfort needs. Your massage therapist is your partner for healthy living, but you need to speak up.