Thursday, December 24, 2009

Need to tell anybody off during the holidays?

The great analyst the late Dr. Hyman Spotnitz advised that when you are upset and you want to feel better, you must go directly to the person that upset you provided it is relatively safe to do so. It is unlikely that anything else will help.  

Read the full article here. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Enjoy 20% off products at Juut this Thurs. and Friday only!

Holiday shopping?  Aveda gift sets are included as well!  Follow this link for more info.  I personally love the chakra travel size gift set, caribbean gift set and the holiday candle.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The end of Chiropractic

Are Chiropractors admitting they are bogus?  When it comes to "chiropractic adjustments"  yes, they are.

When chiropractors use spinal manipulation therapy for symptomatic relief of mechanical low back pain, they are employing an evidence-based method also used by physical therapists, doctors of osteopathy, and others. When they do “chiropractic adjustments” to correct a “subluxation” for other conditions, especially for non-musculoskeletal conditions or “health maintenance,” they are employing a non-scientific belief system that is no longer viable.

Read the full article from Science based medicine here

Friday, December 11, 2009

Great question

Frequently asked question after a massage from the client is :  Don't you get tired?  Great question, simple answer, no.  Want more?  Read on, interesting view of energy.

Getting Out of the Way & The Golden Triangle

As a healer one of the most important skills to learn is that of getting out of the way, especially if one is working in the field of energetic healing. Getting out of the way means you don’t impose your own views or ideas. Rather, you respond to the unique being of each individual client.
People have their own modalities; often they have spent years acquiring and refining their skills, and this is good. The problem comes when people become attached to their information, their perspective, and end up seeing everything through that lens. Working from a SourcePoint perspective involves, in any situation, bringing to bear all the training and information one has, and then be willing to let go and be guided by the blueprint.
Here is a simple exercise that can help you get out of the way when working with a client. Imagine a light in the heart chakra of the client, and in your own heart chakra. Each of those lights is connected to a third light above you by a golden line. So the ray of golden light goes from your heart to the light above, and from the client to the light above, forming a triangle. This is an energetic pattern that symbolizes the connection of the client to that greater light, energy and healing information. It reminds you that your connection to the client is heart-based, but it is not your personal energy that is going to the client. You are connecting through the blueprint. You meet your client through that greater field of light, energy and healing information.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Do You Think About the USPSTF Breast Cancer Prevention Guidelines?

I admit, when I first read the USPSTF Mammography guidelines that no longer recommends routine screening for women between the ages of 40 and 49, I was outraged. It seems like a way for insurance companies to cut costs at the expense of women’s lives. I decided to do some research starting with an answer to the question; What is the American Cancer Society’s response to these new guidelines?
I found an actual official response statement from Otis W. Brawley, M.D., chief medical officer, American Cancer Society. Dr Brawley states regarding his opinion of  routine mammograms;
“As someone who has long been a critic of those overstating the benefits of screening, I use these words advisedly: this is one screening test I recommend unequivocally, and would recommend to any woman 40 and over, be she a patient, a stranger, or a family member.”
Further in his response he continues;
“With its new recommendations, the USPSTF is essentially telling women that mammography at age 40 to 49 saves lives; just not enough of them.”
I don’t know about you, but my outrage is not decreasing.
Dr. Brawley says that the ACS also studied the same data that the USPSTF studied and they do not change their opinion of yearly mammograms for women 40-49 and;
 ”In fact, data show the technology used today is better than that used in the studies in this review, and more modern studies show that mammography is achieving better results than those achieved in these early experimental studies that go back as far as the mid-60’”
Read the full article HERE.
I am long past being ready for a cure to this dreadful illness that takes so many lives and makes lots of money for the medical industry. So, I am wondering, what do you feel about the new guidelines? Let me know in the comment section below.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Do you work in an office?  I am lucky that I am able to walk around all day plus I walk up and down stairs daily for my job.  But I know that there are allot of my friends and family and people in general that work in an office.  Trying to stay healthy while you have the distraction of morning coffee and donuts, as well as sitting all day long can be tough.  I was trying to think of some ways that you can continue to stay healthy even while you are at work.

1. Walk Around- Take quick breaks to walk around.  Get up out of your chair and just walk to an adjacent wall and walk back and sit down.  IF you are lucky to have an office that is closed off, utilize speaker phone and walk around your office while you are talking to people on the phone. 

2. Drink Water- Do you drink soda or coffee at your desk.  Replace some of them with water.  I know a woman who would drink 5-6 cans of Mountain Dew a day at her desk.  At 110 Calories per can you are looking at 550-650 of your daily caloric intake on SODA!  I understand sometimes you need to have the caffeine, but by replacing 3 or 4 of those sodas with a big glass of water not only are you reducing your caloric intake but you are giving your body something it really needs.  Water prevents cramping (Charley horses in the feet or legs), it also helps your body digest and liquefy food that you consume.  Water is good for your skin, it has been said that by drinking 8 glasses of water one can see visible changes in the color of the skin in their faces.  But the best benefit to drinking water is that it curbs your hunger.  By drinking water you might be able to pass up the cream filled chocolate donuts, or the girl scout cookies that your coworker just brought in.

3. Stretch -  Stretching helps to provide better circulation to other parts of the body.  By having better circulation you become more alert and will feel increased energy levels.  Stretching is sometimes something we do unconsciously, (what is the first thing you do when you get up out of your stretch yourself out as tall as you can get.  It feels good!!). If you can try to take a 2 minute stretch break every hour or so.  Nothing to difficult.  Roll your head from side to side a few times.  Reach for the ceiling, reach for the ground.  Pull your right arm across your body and point to the wall on your left, now pull your left arm across your body and point to the wall on your right.  Put your right arm behind your head and point to the floor (think scratching your back) gently push on your elbow, repeat with your left arm.  Roll your ankles around.  If your wardrobe permits it, sneak in a quick squat or two.  Trust me your joints and muscles will thank you!

4. Wash your hands -  This tip is pretty self explanatory.  Wash your hands and wash them often.  No one likes to be sick, washing your hands will help you combat the germ-fest that is an office.  Keep Lysol (or a similar brand) wipes handy, these are great for cleaning your desk and the germs that are on it, at the end of the day.

5. Use your vacation days -  Heck you earned them, use them.  Even if you do not have a vacation planned take days off periodically to help you get caught up on what ever you need to get caught up on, laundry, dishes or even sleep.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I have a friend who eats honey.  Allot.  She swears by it.  So I decided to look up what's so sweet about honey.  And WOW.  There is so much about honey that I did not know about. From dieting aids to helping with open wounds!  Here are a few of the benefits that I found most relative.

  • Sweetener: This was the most obvious.  I know loads of people that use honey in tea's and coffees instead of sugar.  Honey contains about 69% glucose and fructose enabling it to be used as a sweetener.
  • Energy Source: Honey has about 64 calories per tablespoon providing an excelent source of energy.  Where sugar has about 50.  Also honey is easily converted to a glucose even by the most sensitive stomach, making honey very easy to digest.
  • Weight Loss: Though honey has more calories than sugar, honey when consumed with warm water helps in digesting the fat stored in your body. Unlike straight sugar honey and lemon juice and honey and cinnamon help in reducing weight.
  • Improving Athletic Performance: Recent research has shown that honey is an excellent ergogenic aid and helps in boosting the performance of athletes. Honey facilitates in maintaining blood sugar levels, muscle recuperation and glycogen restoration after a workout.
  • Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Honey contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. The vitamin and mineral content of honey depends on the type of flowers used for apiculture.
  • Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and hence it can be used as a natural antiseptic.
  • Antioxidants: Honey contains nutraceuticals, which are effective in removing free radicals from our body. As a result, our body immunity is improved.
  • Skin Care with Milk and Honey: Milk and honey are often served together as both these ingredients help in getting a smooth soothing skin. Hence consuming milk and honey daily in the morning is a common practice in many countries.
I had no idea of all of the benefits.  My friend uses honey as a natural cough supressent, in her teas and coffees, as a quick sweet treat, and puts milk and honey in her oatmeal that she eats every morning.

I guess she was right...


Well.  It is officially December.  This time of the year can be very difficult in keeping your sanity and happiness.  This time of the year you MUST take the time to be selfish.  What I am talking about is depression.  The holidays are loaded with minefields for causing depression.  WEBMD had a great little article about the 10 easiest ways to get depressed in the holidays and how to defend yourself from them, here.  I will briefly explain them if you do not have time to check out the whole article.

1. Family Gatherings - If your family fights or brings back poor memories or feelings there are ways to cope-  Limit your time to how long you stay, or do not go at all.  If you decide to go, spend your time with family members who do not trigger unpleasant feelings.
2. Over Commercialization - Society puts big pressure on us to out do ourselves from last year.  BALONEY! Stick to simple family traditions, have your family make gifts for each other.  There is no rule saying you have to do better than last year....ANYWHERE!
3. Over Commitment - Just because you are invited to 14 different holiday parties...does not mean you have to attend them all.  Or any of them for that matter. 
4. Over Spending - Again, you do not have to spend money at all to show someone you care.  Make a coupon book, bake cookies, write personal letters to friends.  If you have small children, as fun as it is watching them with the presents and taking pictures near them...They will probably not remember them, and would be just as excited over coloring books and crayons from the dollar store as they will that 40$ electronic toy.  It is a hard lesson to learn but make a budget and stick to it.  Another tip is to shop online, it keeps you from those impulse buys.
5. Unrealistic Expectations - Let's face it.  There is no June Cleaver any more. With most mothers in the work force there is just not enough time.  Again, there is no rule that says you have to have every inch of your home decorated, and have fresh cookies baking at all times.  The holidays will happen with out them.
6. Fatigue - Staying up late to wrap presents, waking up early to catch the sales, spending hours baking treats for friends and family, only hurts you.  Take a breather and get some sleep.  You can not enjoy the holidays if you are sleep walking!
7. Stress - Let's face it, shopping, family, travel, and party planning will cause stress on ANYONE.  Make sure you are taking 15 minutes everyday for just you.  Read a book, take a walk, or a bath. But make sure it is just for you!  Trust me, you will not regret it and 15 minutes is nothing, it is only 1% of a day.
8. Breaking Healthy Habits -  So you ate 4 cookies, and had an extra glass of eggnog.  Don't obsess about it.  Start fresh and get back to it tomorrow.  One slip up is not going to cause catastrophic damage to you or your lifestyle.  One tip, before you head to a party, eat an apple or some fresh veggies.  This will help you fight off over eating at a buffet.
9. Being Away - If you are no longer near your family, or your family is away for a while this time of the hear can be especially hard.  Try to focus on the future and when you will see your family and loved ones again.  Ask around, maybe there are others who are "family-less" that you can start a new tradition with.  OR go volunteer at a shelter, it will get you around people and in the giving mood.  Studies have shown that helping others improves mood, and well being.
10. Shorter Days and Lack of Sunlight - The actual darkness of winter can actually have a medical affect on your well being.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition that can be treated with medicine.  Talk to your doctor if you feel sadness, anxiousness, have a loss in desire to do activities and/or are sleeping more than usual for a period of 2 weeks or more.  More than 1/2 Million Americans are affected by SAD each year.  You are not alone!

Happy Holidays