Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well.  It is officially December.  This time of the year can be very difficult in keeping your sanity and happiness.  This time of the year you MUST take the time to be selfish.  What I am talking about is depression.  The holidays are loaded with minefields for causing depression.  WEBMD had a great little article about the 10 easiest ways to get depressed in the holidays and how to defend yourself from them, here.  I will briefly explain them if you do not have time to check out the whole article.

1. Family Gatherings - If your family fights or brings back poor memories or feelings there are ways to cope-  Limit your time to how long you stay, or do not go at all.  If you decide to go, spend your time with family members who do not trigger unpleasant feelings.
2. Over Commercialization - Society puts big pressure on us to out do ourselves from last year.  BALONEY! Stick to simple family traditions, have your family make gifts for each other.  There is no rule saying you have to do better than last year....ANYWHERE!
3. Over Commitment - Just because you are invited to 14 different holiday parties...does not mean you have to attend them all.  Or any of them for that matter. 
4. Over Spending - Again, you do not have to spend money at all to show someone you care.  Make a coupon book, bake cookies, write personal letters to friends.  If you have small children, as fun as it is watching them with the presents and taking pictures near them...They will probably not remember them, and would be just as excited over coloring books and crayons from the dollar store as they will that 40$ electronic toy.  It is a hard lesson to learn but make a budget and stick to it.  Another tip is to shop online, it keeps you from those impulse buys.
5. Unrealistic Expectations - Let's face it.  There is no June Cleaver any more. With most mothers in the work force there is just not enough time.  Again, there is no rule that says you have to have every inch of your home decorated, and have fresh cookies baking at all times.  The holidays will happen with out them.
6. Fatigue - Staying up late to wrap presents, waking up early to catch the sales, spending hours baking treats for friends and family, only hurts you.  Take a breather and get some sleep.  You can not enjoy the holidays if you are sleep walking!
7. Stress - Let's face it, shopping, family, travel, and party planning will cause stress on ANYONE.  Make sure you are taking 15 minutes everyday for just you.  Read a book, take a walk, or a bath. But make sure it is just for you!  Trust me, you will not regret it and 15 minutes is nothing, it is only 1% of a day.
8. Breaking Healthy Habits -  So you ate 4 cookies, and had an extra glass of eggnog.  Don't obsess about it.  Start fresh and get back to it tomorrow.  One slip up is not going to cause catastrophic damage to you or your lifestyle.  One tip, before you head to a party, eat an apple or some fresh veggies.  This will help you fight off over eating at a buffet.
9. Being Away - If you are no longer near your family, or your family is away for a while this time of the hear can be especially hard.  Try to focus on the future and when you will see your family and loved ones again.  Ask around, maybe there are others who are "family-less" that you can start a new tradition with.  OR go volunteer at a shelter, it will get you around people and in the giving mood.  Studies have shown that helping others improves mood, and well being.
10. Shorter Days and Lack of Sunlight - The actual darkness of winter can actually have a medical affect on your well being.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition that can be treated with medicine.  Talk to your doctor if you feel sadness, anxiousness, have a loss in desire to do activities and/or are sleeping more than usual for a period of 2 weeks or more.  More than 1/2 Million Americans are affected by SAD each year.  You are not alone!

Happy Holidays

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