Saturday, December 12, 2009

The end of Chiropractic

Are Chiropractors admitting they are bogus?  When it comes to "chiropractic adjustments"  yes, they are.

When chiropractors use spinal manipulation therapy for symptomatic relief of mechanical low back pain, they are employing an evidence-based method also used by physical therapists, doctors of osteopathy, and others. When they do “chiropractic adjustments” to correct a “subluxation” for other conditions, especially for non-musculoskeletal conditions or “health maintenance,” they are employing a non-scientific belief system that is no longer viable.

Read the full article from Science based medicine here

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Awesome blog, KO! Interesting post, here, on chiros and subluxations. Kind of amusing, too!
