Sunday, November 29, 2009


I was reading an article and found these super quick and EASY ways to squash stress in our lives!

1. Enjoy a Cup of Tea

Drinking tea has always been a traditional remedy for relaxation and stress relief, and now, researchers in England have found that tea drinkers tend to have lower levels of cortisol, which is commonly known as the "stress hormone." Cortisol seeps out of our adrenal glands, and in large quatitites in response to fear and anxiety.  Cortisol can lead to health problems ranging all the way from a weakened immunity to excess belly fat. CHEERIO!

2. Get a Breath of Fresh Air

Stop fighting the wars against whatever stressors you’re facing and connect with nature. Try going for a hike or visiting a park or garden. When ever you get that over whelming feeling of stress, just leave.  Take a 5-10 minute walk outside and take deep breaths.  The fresh air will not only clear your head but it will also calm you down.

3. Read a Good Book

Enjoy yourself -and a new character- and then you'll find that your seemingly impossible problems might just have some solutions you never imagined.  One great book I highly recommend : Eat Pray Love By Elizabeth Gilbert.

4. Laugh
I am so serious about this. And I mean laugh hard. With today's amazing technology, laughter is just a few clicks away. Go to, punch in the name of your favorite comedian, and enjoy the physiological and psychological benefits of a good belly laugh or two.  Here is a very cute one. 

5. Watch a Funny Movie
This kind of ties into laugh, however, when you're feeling good about yourself, it's important to do things that make you happy. When you're feeling down, it's essential! Sometimes it is good to laugh at a fictional characters woes and it might make you feel a little better about your self.


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