Monday, November 30, 2009


I was watching a video on Youtube here,  Talking about forces and attention and intentions.  I thought that it was really a powerful message when talking about wellness.  The theory of the video is that your attention on a specific situation can actually cause that situation to become greater.  For example if you are trying to loose weight and you are constantly thinking about not eating, your brain can not differenciate "not eating" and "eating."  By constantly thinking about not eating you are essentially thinking about eating all the time.  If you are constantly thinking about finding a job, you are constantly in a depression about not having money and not working that you may in fact not be looking for a job.  by focusing your attention on positive things it will make them more abundant in your life.  The other theory of the video is that our intentions can get us to do many things that you though were out of reach.  Intentions can be sometimes more powerful than many other things in our lives. Think about when a child first starts to walk.  What is making them walk?  they may see their parent or a toy that they really want and they will go beyond their own means (crawling) and stand up and get it.

What are your intentions?

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